PiaSoma includes the following somatic-based approaches to personal and professional development and transformation.
Esalen® and Therapeutic Massage
A practitioner at the Esalen campus from 1980 through 2019, Char teaches all levels of Esalen massage, including basic, advanced and professional certification trainings in Big Sur and at locations worldwide. She’s taught Therapeutic Massage at Monterey Peninsula College from 2006 through 2019.
Char teaches Level 1 and Level 2 each spring and autumn at The Mckinnon Body Therapy Center, Oakland, Ca. 16 hours of Continuing Education for each level www.mckinnonbtc.com
Trauma Releasing Exercises™ (TRE)
A revolutionary new method for stress/trauma recovery by David Berceli, TRE is a simple set of physical exercises that empower individuals to take trauma recovery into their own hands.
Yoga, Qigong & Expressive Arts
Char is certified as a yoga teacher by the Chopra Center. She is also an experienced practitioner of qigong, one of the four pillars of traditional Chinese medicine, and a facilitator of expressive movement in the tradition of Gabrielle Roth.
Char guides participants in one of the oldest sacred music traditions of the world.
COL is a comprehensive and holistic, mind/body coaching system designed for groups and individuals.
Transformational Retreats
Char is available to work with you to create a customized personal retreat experience, weaving together a dynamic combination of the healing arts and the expressive arts to create an experience of rejuvenation, insight, playfulness and transformation.